Golden Eagle monitoring in the Southern Rockies/Colorado Plateau Region

By Robert Murphy, USFWS Southwest Region Protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, western North America’s Golden Eagles are increasingly threatened by multiple factors such as collision with wind turbines, electrocution on power lines, and lead poisoning (from eating carcasses left by hunters who used lead ammunition). The … Read more

The Human Dimensions of Bird Conservation

The latest edition of the North American Bird Conservation Initiative’s (NABCI) All Bird Bulletin has a special focus on exploring the human dimensions of bird conservation. “Human dimensions” is a broad term that basically refers to the social side of conservation: What do people think and feel about different issues? How do they behave? What … Read more

Studying climate change and its impacts on birds in Mexico: current focus and future perspectives

A new article about the status of climate change research for bird conservation in Mexico (Jennie Duberstein, SJV Education and Outreach Coordinator, is a co-author) was just published in HUITZIL, the Mexican ornithology journal. Abstract Global climate change is affecting the world’s biodiversity. In Mexico, several lines of research have been developed to forecast the … Read more