
Villa Verde restoration site monitoring, Sonora, Mexico

Project Description

Much of the conservation work in the San Pedro Watershed of Arizona stops at the U.S. border, and areas located just a few miles south remain almost unknown. Villa Verde, a main tributary to the Upper San Pedro River, is located approximately 25 km southeast of the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area and the U.S.-Mexico border, in Sonora, Mexico. In 2002, Proyecto Corredor Colibrí, with the support the Sonoran Joint Venture, IMADES, The Nature Conservancy, and a large number of volunteers from both sides of the border, implemented a restoration project at Villa Verde with the goal of improving riparian habitat for Neotropical migratory birds by working with rural landowners to control erosion and grazing practices on their land. In order to appraise this project’s utility for other landowners in the region, as well as future conservation projects, it is critical to gain a better understanding of the long-term effects of our efforts. This monitoring project will (1) gather baseline data to help quantify changes in bird and plant communities at the Villa Verde restoration site; and (2) assess the effectiveness of different restoration techniques for improving bird habitat.

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Jennie Duberstein