A Black Skimmer in Islote Afegua, La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico (photo courtesy of Edgar Amador).

Monitoring Migratory Waterbirds in Mexico’s Wetlands

The coastal wetlands of northwestern Mexico are some of the most important habitat for migratory waterbirds that winter in Mexico. With funding support from the Sonoran Joint Venture’s Awards Program, a coordinated monitoring protocol was developed and implemented through a collaborative effort across priority sites to better inform conservation and management decisions.

Biologist Dan Collins calms down a Sandhill Crane after capture in order to apply bands and a transmitter (photo courtesy of Steve Rimer, USFWS).

Movements of Sandhill Cranes

With rapidly growing development of wind energy and its associated infrastructure, future impacts on wildlife are poorly understood. Biologist (and SJV board member!) Dan Collins, along with many partners, are working to better understand the movements of the Western Greater Sandhill Crane to inform agencies and land managers on where to target wintering landscapes for conservation.

Research and Conservation Needs of Long-billed Curlews Wintering in the SJV Region

Did you know Long-billed Curlews are snowbirds? Researchers from Intermountain Bird Observatory found that birds breeding in the Intermountain West are wintering in the Mexicali and Imperial valleys of the Sonoran Joint Venture. IBO Research Director Dr. Jay Carlisle shares some thoughts on collaboration for conserving this declining species.

Join us in Chiapas: detecting and addressing climate change impacts on birds and their habitats in northern Mexico and the southwestern United States

Rapid ongoing climate change presents new challenges to natural resource managers. Effects are usually at large landscape scales and management actions must account for future uncertainty, often based solely on locally available data. Because birds are known to be indicators of ecosystem health and function and are cost effective to survey at multiple scales, they … Read more

Sonoran Desert Breeding Bird Surveys: a coordinated approach

By John Arnett, Edwin Juarez and Kurt Licence The Sonoran Desert, an environment with blistering summer temperatures, frigid winter nights, and months of no precipitation, tests many of its residents to the thresholds of their physiological tolerances. Over 60 species of birds breed in this environment and many populations are naturally small and typically at … Read more