Building International Collaboration for Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation on Private Lands

The Madrean Sky Islands region of northwest Mexico provides critical habitat for Neotropical migratory birds, but unsustainable land use practices, especially overgrazing, have negatively affected both the quality and extent of habitats. Learn how private landowners and The Borderlands Restoration Network are working to change that.

10 Years Later…SJV Tours Neotrop Act Grant Funded Riparian Area in Sonora, Mexico

Ten years ago, the Sonoran Joint Venture received a Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act (NMBCA) grant to fund riparian restoration and research at a private ranch in Sonora, Mexico. Recently, SJV Science Coordinator Carol Beardmore had the opportunity to visit one of the project sites and tag along with researchers running camera traps at Rancho El Aribabi in northern Sonora.

ReMM bird checklist published

Reserva Monte Mojino is a 14,000 acre private conservation reserve dedicated to protecting a large area of tropical deciduous forest and pine-oak forest in the Río Cuchujaqui watershed of southern Sonora, Mexico.

2013 SJV Awards Program Recipients Announced

We are pleased to announce the recipients of the 2013 SJV Awards Program small grants. Congratulations to all recipients, and stay tuned in the months ahead to hear more about these important projects. Learn more about the SJV Awards Program on the SJV website, including details about projects we have funded in the past and … Read more

Notes from the field: Prescott College’s waterbird monitoring program in the Gulf of California, Mexico

By Emily Wittman Trudging through waist high water, losing shoes in 12 inch deep mud flats, kayaking to remote sections of estuaries, and feeling the breeze whipping against your face on the boat ride to Isla Alcatraz are all in a day’s work if you are a Research and Conservation Fellow for the Waterbird Monitoring … Read more

Wetlands and Bird Conservation: an Introduction

In early February 2013, thirty attendees took part in a workshop about wetlands and bird conservation in Mexico. The workshop was organized by Sonora’s Commission of Ecology and Sustainable Development (CEDES), in collaboration with the Arizona Game and Fish Department and with support of the Sonoran Joint Venture and Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y … Read more

Northerly extension of the breeding range of the Roseate Spoonbill in Sonora, Mexico

Researchers recently published a paper in Western Birds about Roseate Spoonbills nesting on the central coast of Sonora at Bahía de Kino. The work is a result of the Prescott College Kino Bay Center for Cultural and Ecological Studies’ Waterbird Monitoring Program and was supported by the SJV Awards Program. Read the entire article here. … Read more