
Waterbird monitoring in estuaries of the Hermosillo coast and on the Sonoran midriff islands

Project Description

This project will build upon the Prescott College Kino Bay Center for Cultural and Ecological Studies’ 10-year Waterbird Monitoring Program (WMP) in the Sonoran Midriff Island region of the Gulf of California. The region’s islands and estuaries provide critical nesting, roosting, and feeding habitat for many SJV priority species. The WMP currently focuses primarily on Isla Alcatraz nesting waterbird surveys, waterbird censuses in Esteros Santa Cruz and Cardonal, and Craveri’s Murrelet nest searches on the Midriff Islands. Funds from SJV will enable Prescott College to: (1) fund one annual bird monitoring fellowship; (2) improve monitoring efforts; (3) include more community involvement and outreach; (4) more effectively summarize information for publication and integration into national and international databases; and (4) strengthen partnerships with regional conservation groups and communities.

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Lorayne Meltzer
Prescott College Kino Bay Center for Cultural and Ecological Studies

Project Location

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