Hewitt Canyon

We bring together partners across borders to conserve birds and habitat


We keep common birds common and strategically protect the species and places most in need


We provide seed money for conservation efforts in the southwest U.S. and northwest Mexico

Crested Caracara

We help provide the best available tools, science, and training to our partners

About The Sonoran Joint Venture

We are a diverse partnership of organizations and individuals that works to conserve the unique birds and habitats of the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico.
Elegant Trogon


The birds of the SJV region are diverse, with nearly 750 species breeding, wintering, or migrating through the area.

Riparian corridor


The unique habitats of the SJV include mid and high elevation forests, desert, grasslands, wetlands and marshes, riparian corridors, tropical deciduous forest, and islands, among many other types.

Birding in the forest


The SJV partnership represents more than 80 organizations in the U.S. and Mexico, working together to conserve the birds, habitats, and human residents of this important region.

Where is the Sonoran Joint Venture?

The SJV boundary includes central and southern Arizona, southern California (including the Channel Islands), and the Mexican states of Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sonora, Sinaloa, and Nayarit, as well as western Chihuahua, western Durango, and the Gulf of California and its islands. The SJV includes all or part of 10 Bird Conservation Regions identified by the North American Bird Conservation Initiative Committee. It spans 2 countries, more than 25 Native Nations, 5 biosphere reserves and 15 natural protected areas in Mexico, 17 U.S. National Wildlife Refuges, and 12 National Parks.

SJV boundary map
Tools for Land Stewards

Arizona Species & Habitat Accounts

This easy-to-use resource will help you consider birds when making land stewardship decisions. We designed these accounts for agency biologists, land stewards, and others who deal with everyday decisions that affect birds and their habitats, but who may or may not be bird experts.
Overview of Conservation Status
Distribution Maps
Recommended Conservation Actions
View All Accounts
Costa's Hummingbird
Grasslands of the Sonoran Joint Venture
Land's End
Ferruginous Hawk
Vermillion Flycatcher

SJV eBulletin

To keep up with the latest news on bird and habitat conservation efforts across the Sonoran Joint Venture region, be sure to sign up for our bimonthly newsletter!

Recent News

wide landscape of brushy habitat with hills in the background and a blue sky with white clouds.

Welcome to our new Mexico Coordinator!

The Sonoran Joint Venture is thrilled to announce the hiring of Celene Moncayo as our first-ever Mexico Coordinator.
Three men wearing baseball caps look through binoculars across a pond.

SJV seeks a Mexico Coordinator

The Sonoran Joint Venture (SJV) seeks a Mexico Coordinator to grow, strengthen, and sustain the activities of the SJV in Mexico. Application deadline: March 22, 2024.
Women stands next to a dog with large rocks in the background.

SJV Staff Changes

Emily Clark recently announced her departure from her role as the Sonoran Joint Venture’s Communications and Partnerships Specialist. We thank Emily for her hard work and dedication over the last seven years.