The 2024 SJV Awards Program funding cycle is closed. Please stay tuned for the announcement of the 2025 cycle.
The Sonoran Joint Venture Awards Program provides funds through a competitive process to support the conservation of birds and their habitats within the SJV geography. The total amount of funding available varies depending on Congressional appropriations but tends to be $30,000-$50,000. Individual SJV Awards Program grants range from $5,000-$15,000, and we anticipate funding four to six awards in 2024.
Read the Request for Proposals carefully as the application process and funding priorities have changed.
Funding Priorities
While a project can address a range of issues, proposals for work that address one or more of the below priorities will score better:
- Work with land stewards to improve land use practices and conservation actions
- Habitat restoration and protection efforts for aridlands, grasslands, riparian habitat, forests, coastal wetlands, and islands in support of priority bird species as defined by the SJV Bird Conservation Plan
- Bird monitoring to measure effectiveness of habitat restoration activities
- Projects that address issues of social and environmental justice and contribute to building equity and inclusion, including Indigenous-led projects that support Indigenous food and language sovereignty
- Social science, human dimensions, or strategic communications to support any of the above priorities
General Timeline
March 15 – Request for Proposals made available
May 15 – Proposals must be received by the International Community Foundation no later than midnight, Pacific Daylight time
June 30 – SJV Staff and Awards Review Subcommittee complete review and ranking process and provide recommendations to SJV Management Board
July 15 – Applicants are notified of the outcome of their proposal
How to Apply
- Put all proposal components into a single Word document or PDF (cover sheet, project narrative, budget, and, if relevant, letters of support)
- Separately, please place all due diligence documents into a single Word document or PDF
- Email both documents to the International Community Foundation via
- Make the subject line of your email: Attn: SJV Awards Program – [YOUR ORGANIZATION’S NAME] (i.e., “Attn: SJV Awards Program – Society for Bird Conservation”)
For questions about the administrative/logistical process of submitting a grant, please contact Julie Campos (
For questions about your proposed work, please contact Adam Hannuksela (