
Long-term Monitoring of Waterbird Priority Species and their Critical Habitats of the Estuaries and Islands of the Eastern Midriff Region of the Gulf of California, Sonora, Mexico

Project Description

The Prescott College Kino Bay Center for Cultural and Ecological Studies proposes to build upon its Waterbird Monitoring Program (WMP) in the Midriff Island region of the Gulf of California. With its permanent presence, partnerships, and proven record of successful waterbird monitoring, the WMP contributes to habitat protection efforts integrating monitoring, research and community participation. Our results are communicated through publications, community education, training workshops, local collaborations and personal communications to inform and motivate conservation efforts. The region’s estuaries provide critical nesting, roosting and feeding habitat for at least 60 SJV priority bird species. Isla Alcatraz hosts 14 species of nesting waterbirds seven SJV priority species), including the largest colony of Reddish Egrets in Sonora and the largest Double-crested Cormorant colony in the Gulf of California. Continuing projects provide essential information on species abundance, productivity, distribution, and ecosystem health. Funds from SJV enable PC to enhance monitoring efforts in Isla Alcatraz and in Esteros Santa Cruz, Cardonal, and Tastiota, as well as expand local partnerships and disturbance mitigation efforts. This grant will fund one bird monitoring fellow who will be responsible for implementing the WMP with supervision by the PC Research Coordinator and in cooperation with community and conservation groups.

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Lorayne Meltzer
Prescott College Kino Bay Center

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