The Science Working Group (SWG) is a multinational team open to anyone with an interest in bird and habitat conservation in the SJV region. It is a collaborative community where we share and learn from the successes and challenges of our work to make the best future decisions for healthy social, cultural, and ecological systems. The SWG serves as an advisory committee to the SJV and its staff, is an open forum for knowledge exchange, and provides technical guidance to SJV partners about habitat and bird population stewardship and monitoring. The SWG strengthens our understanding of habitat, species, and community needs through research and monitoring, and builds partner capacity by providing technical and financial assistance. Active members of the group receive priority in the SJV Awards Program, which provides seed money for projects that help meet SJV stewardship goals and objectives.

Group Structure
The SWG is led by the SJV Science Coordinator who works with members to organize meetings, develop agendas, and maintain communication. The SWG also has ad-hoc subcommittees which work on specific issues. The group holds biannual hybrid meetings (can be attended in-person or virtually), as well as provides simultaneous translation (in English and Spanish).
How To Join
Participation in the SWG is free and open to anyone with an interest in the stewardship of birds and habitats of the SJV. The SJV Listserv is the main communication tool for the SWG, and all announcements are shared here. Partners are also invited to subscribe to the SJV eBulletin, our bimonthly newsletter that shares stories and opportunities from our partner network. Contact Adam Hannuksela to learn more.