About The Sonoran Joint Venture

The birds of the SJV region are diverse, with nearly 750 species breeding, wintering, or migrating through the area.

The unique habitats of the SJV include mid and high elevation forests, desert, grasslands, wetlands and marshes, riparian corridors, tropical deciduous forest, and islands, among many other types.

The SJV partnership represents more than 80 organizations in the U.S. and Mexico, working together to conserve the birds, habitats, and human residents of this important region.
Where is the Sonoran Joint Venture?
The SJV boundary includes central and southern Arizona, southern California (including the Channel Islands), and the Mexican states of Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sonora, Sinaloa, and Nayarit, as well as western Chihuahua, western Durango, and the Gulf of California and its islands. The SJV includes all or part of 10 Bird Conservation Regions identified by the North American Bird Conservation Initiative Committee. It spans 2 countries, more than 25 Native Nations, 5 biosphere reserves and 15 natural protected areas in Mexico, 17 U.S. National Wildlife Refuges, and 12 National Parks.

Arizona Species & Habitat Accounts

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Recent News

Welcome to our new Mexico Coordinator!

SJV seeks a Mexico Coordinator