The 5th International Partners in Flight Conference brought the bird conservation community together to create a unified vision for full life cycle needs and addressed them with innovative approaches. The meeting focused on linking regions throughout the Western Hemisphere, working together in geographic-based work sessions to develop implementable projects. SJV Science Coordinator Carol Beardmore and Tech Committee Members Dave Krueper (USFWS), Edwin Juarez (AZ Game & Fish Department), Lydia Lozano (Naturaleza y Cultura Sierra Madre, A.C., Luis Morales (San Pancho Bird Observatory), and Vicente Rodriguez (NABCI-Mexico) led the geographic break-out session on west Mexican thornscrub, which was facilitated by SJV Management Board member Greg Butcher (US Forest Service International Programs). Together they worked with other participants to develop a business plan to guide future conservation activities.
Break-out session leaders are compiling notes from their sessions, so stay tuned to learn more and get involved in the next steps. Learn more about the conference and see a detailed program here.