
Community-based Conservation of Least Tern

Species Group: Seabirds
Habitat: Coastal Systems
Grantee: Pro Esteros
Project Award: $12,864.00

Pro Esteros, A.C. was awarded $12,864 to support Community-based Conservation of Least Tern in Northwest Mexico. The California Least Tern (Sterna antillarum browni) is declining in California and listed in the U.S. as an endangered subspecies of Least Tern. However, there are numerous nesting colonies in adjacent states in northwest Mexico. Pro Esteros will build capacity for studying and protecting this species in Mexico through community-based conservation. They will obtain much needed data about whether immigration from colonies in California to Mexico could account for some of the decline being noted, as well as determine if the colonies in Mexico are connected to one another or are distinct population units. Research will be conducted using a combination of techniques including genetic analysis, stable isotope analysis, morphometrics, and observations of a marked population. To make this a long-term and sustainable monitoring effort, they will also train local community members and volunteers to conduct monitoring activities. Pro Esteros will provide them with materials and equipment needed to study and protect tern nesting sites in future years.

To learn more about this project, contact Liliana Ortiz Serrato.