
The Desert Bird Conservation Plan

Project Description

Migrant and resident bird populations of the Mojave and Sonoran deserts of southeastern California, southern Nevada, western Arizona, and northwest Mexico face numerous threats. As development increases across these habitats, local and federal agencies will require a comprehensive guide for managing affected bird communities of the deserts. The Desert Bird Conservation Plan (BCP) will follow the content and style of previously completed California Partners In Flight bird conservation plans, based on the cornerstones of focal species, focal species accounts, and recommendations. Focal species accounts, distribution maps, and plan recommendations will be based on the most recent information available. This means the Desert BCP will be a living document, always subject to periodic revision. This project will allow PRBO to (1) organize, edit, and draft the eighth of California Partners In Flight’s habitat-based bird conservation plans, the Desert Bird Conservation Plan; (2) secure agency, NGO, and private participation in the plan’s creation; and (3) raise additional funds to assist Mexican researchers in contributing to the Desert Bird Conservation Plan.

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Chris McCreedy
Desert Bird Conservation Plan