
Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo Survey Training Workshop in Sonora, Mexico

Project Description

The western Yellow-billed Cuckoo is a bird of regional concern, requires immediate research action, and should have long-term population trend monitoring. Our primary objective is to promote western Yellow-billed Cuckoo standardized surveys in Mexico by providing a training workshop free to Mexican biologists. The main outcome is to provide Mexican biologists with information on standardized (cuckoo) surveys in order to fill in the gaps of unknown occupancy and identify Important Bird Conservation Areas for the western Yellow-billed Cuckoo in Mexico.  Our long-term goal is that this would be the beginning year of a multiyear project of Yellow-billed Cuckoo survey training workshops in Mexico. Through this process, we could train enough Mexican biologists to run the workshops in the future which would allow them to give the survey training workshop in other areas of Mexico. Our secondary objective is to support and build a collaborative effort between United States biologists and Mexican biologists through training to enhance research on western Yellow-billed Cuckoos in Mexico.

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Jenna Stanek
Southern Sierra Research Station