Each year, the North American Bird Conservation Initiative (NABCI) and the Association of Joint Venture Management Boards present the Gary T. Myers Award to an organization or individual that has shown exceptional accomplishments and/or leadership in bird conservation in furtherance of the principles of NABCI and other national or international bird conservation initiatives.
We are thrilled to announce that long-time SJV partner, Pronatura Noroeste, was honored as 2019 organizational recipient of the Gary T. Myers Award. Delayed due to scheduling conflicts from Covid-19, Dr. Gustavo Danemann, Executive Director of Pronatura Noroeste and a long-time SJV Management Board member, accepted the award on behalf of the organization during a virtual Awards Reception of the August 2020 NABCI meeting.

Pronatura Noroeste has played a consistent and important role in bird and habitat conservation in northwest Mexico for almost three decades. The organization has been one of the Sonoran Joint Venture’s primary partners for bird and habitat conservation in northwest Mexico since the SJV was created in 1999. During this time they have been an active member of the SJV Management Board and Science Working Group, helping to identify conservation priorities, supporting the SJV’s conservation planning process, and developing and implementing countless creative projects that help address the biggest threats facing birds, habitats, and people in the region.

Pronatura’s science-based approach, combined with innovative fieldwork, has built strong partnerships to protect critical bird habitat, support the recovery of endangered species, and provide multi-level education about the importance of bird conservation. Their work has led to the designation of the La Asamblea-San Francisquito Coastal Corridor as a Ramsar site, the designation of the Bahía de Los Ángeles Biosphere Reserve, several marine protected area designations, and private land conservation contracts that protect and manage more than 300,000 hectares of critical bird conservation habitat.

Pronatura Noroeste supports international and regional coordinated monitoring and they have conducted important research and monitoring efforts for multiple species of shorebirds, landbirds, waterbirds, and waterfowl in critical breeding, wintering, and migratory stopover habitat. Working with local schools and communities, they trained elementary school teachers to include bird-focused lessons in school curricula and organized bird festivals that include avitourism training, diverse art experiences, and school projects. Their foundation in strong science, their ability to integrate strategic communications, education, and outreach as a tool for achieving conservation, their use of innovative conservation approaches and ability to leverage community-level work into international collaboration, and their capacity for forging strong partnerships at all levels, from local to international, have made Pronatura Noroeste a leader in the field. It is our honor to call Pronatura Noroeste a partner and are thrilled to celebrate this acknowledgement of their contributions to bird conservation.