Lorayne Meltzer

As Executive Director and Marine Conservation Professor for Prescott College’s Kino Bay Center for Cultural and Ecological Studies in Sonora, Mexico, Lorayne is a leader in collaborative, multi-cultural and interdisciplinary community-based conservation and education efforts in the Gulf of California. The Center has made long-term contributions to studying and protecting critical island and estuary habitats for nesting and migratory birds, while training community members, students and research fellows to participate in conservation efforts. Lorayne is honored to be part of the SJV Management Board because of her deep commitment to bi-national conservation efforts promoted and supported by the SJV. While she delights in exploring all of the marine and coastal habitats of the Gulf, Lorayne has a special love for the pelagic zones, where it is still common to see Red-billed Tropicbirds, large groups of feeding Boobies, and threesomes of Craveri’s Murrelet parents and chicks.