Recent News

Five-week-old pelican chicks in the nest.

Historic Highs for California Brown Pelicans in the Channel Islands

After 50 years of recovery, California Brown Pelicans are nesting at historically high levels in the California Channel Islands. The next steps will be to research the dynamics between the Channel Islands population and the Gulf of California breeding population, which is not experiencing the same success.

female bird blending into background

America the Beautiful Challenge brings $1 million to the Fort Huachuca Sentinel Landscape

Borderlands Restoration Network was awarded a $977,000 grant to manage restoration projects within the Fort Huachuca Sentinel Landscape. The Sonoran Joint Venture was actively involved in the development of the application and will continue to provide support and expertise in the implementation.

small island in the ocean

2022 SJV Awards Program Recipients

We are pleased to announce that the SJV awarded $35,000 in small grants in 2022. Congratulations to our partners at the Prescott College Kino Bay Center for Cultural and Ecological Studies, Terra Peninsular, and Pasadena Audubon Society for your successful applications in support of bird and habitat conservation.