Hojas Informativas (en inglés)
- 2023 Hoja Informativa del SJV (Arizona | California)
- 2023 Hoja Informativa de los Joint Ventures
Si tienes preguntas o necesitas algo que no aparece aquí, ponte en contacto con Jennie Duberstein.
Cobertura (en inglés)
- Look for the Gila Woodpecker in the Desert SJV Communications and Partnerships Specialist, Emily Clark, was interviewed about the charismatic Gila Woodpecker for this Birds & Bloom’s article by Amy Grisak, published online, September 29, 2023.
- “Masked” Bobwhite Hope for the Future Jennie Duberstein and Lacrecia Johnson describe the Masked Bobwhite Quail Recovery Program’s efforts in Arizona and Sonora in the October 2020 Conservation & Community Issue of American Birding Association’s Birding magazine.
- Bird lovers open up about death traps hidden all around us. Henry Brean interviews Emily Clark and SJV partners about the dangers of open pipes for birds and other wildlife, Tucson.com, January 21, 2020.
- Rural-urban differences in hunting and
- birdwatching attitudes and participation intent in Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 2019. Emily J. Wilkins, Nicholas W. Cole, Holly M. Miller, Rudy M. Schuster, Ashley A. Dayer, Jennifer N. Duberstein, David C. Fulton, Howard. W. Harshaw & Andrew H. Raedeke.
- Desert Avicaching: Citizen Science, Technology, Conservation Jennie Duberstein and Chris McCreedy share our collaborative Desert Avicaching project in the June 2019 Conservation & Community Issue of American Birding Association’s Birding magazine.
- BioBlitz: Bringing People Together on the Borderlands In the June 2019 Conservation & Community Issue of American Birding Association’s Birding magazine.
- Conservation and Community in Northern Mexico In the American Birding Association’s May 2016 Birder’s Guide to Conservation & Community.
- Geographic Variation in Clapper Rails In the September/October 2013 issue of Birding, Jennie Duberstein writes about Clapper Rail conservation in the SJV region.
- (en español) Estudio del cambio climático y su efecto en las aves en México: enfoques actuales y perspectivas futuras A 2012 publication about the state of research on the impacts of climate change on birds in Mexico.
- Migratory Bird Joint Ventures: 25 Years of Conservation Partnerships Migratory Bird Joint Ventures (JVs) are the subject of this November, 2012 article published in Birding, the magazine of the American Birding Association. On the 25th anniversary of the JV system, Jennie Duberstein explores the roots of the JV and provides an overview of accomplishments.
- Conserving Bird Diversity in the Madrean Archipelago In the spring 2012 issue of the newsletter of the Sky Island Alliance, Restoring Connections, Jennie Duberstein highlights the importance of the Madrean Archipelago to birds.
- DOI Field Coordinating Committee Newsletter, August 2007
- US Fish and Wildlife Service News, Summer 2009
- All-Bird Bulletin, June 2007 special issue on conservation on private lands This special issue includes an article about Rancho El Aribabi in Sonora, a site where the SJV has supported bird monitoring and habitat restoration activities.