A Black Skimmer in Islote Afegua, La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico (photo courtesy of Edgar Amador).

Monitoring Migratory Waterbirds in Mexico’s Wetlands

The coastal wetlands of northwestern Mexico are some of the most important habitat for migratory waterbirds that winter in Mexico. With funding support from the Sonoran Joint Venture’s Awards Program, a coordinated monitoring protocol was developed and implemented through a collaborative effort across priority sites to better inform conservation and management decisions.

Notes from the field: Prescott College’s waterbird monitoring program in the Gulf of California, Mexico

By Emily Wittman Trudging through waist high water, losing shoes in 12 inch deep mud flats, kayaking to remote sections of estuaries, and feeling the breeze whipping against your face on the boat ride to Isla Alcatraz are all in a day’s work if you are a Research and Conservation Fellow for the Waterbird Monitoring … Read more